German Modal Verbs Update: 9/29/09

  Ich Du er/sie/es wir ihr sie/Sie
können - to be able to, can kann kannst kann können könnt können
müssen - to have to, must muß mußt muß müssen müsst müssen
dürfen - to be allowed to darf darfst darf dürfen dürft dürfen
sollen - to be supposed to soll sollst soll sollen sollt sollen
wollen - to want (to) will willst will wollen wollt wollen
mögen - to like mag magst mag mögen mögt mögen


The follow section was compiled from various pages on


(Pres. Perfect)

DÜRFEN - be allowed/permitted, may

ich darf
I may (am permitted)
ich durfte
I was allowed
ich habe gedurft *
I was allowed
du darfst
you may
du durftest
you were allowed
du hast gedurft *
you were allowed
er/sie darf
he/she may
er/sie durfte
he/she was allowed
er/sie hat gedurft *
he/she was allowed
wir/Sie/sie dürfen
we/you/they may
wir/Sie/sie durften
we/you/they were allowed
wir/Sie/sie haben gedurft *
we/you/they were allowed
ihr dürft
you (pl.) may
ihr durftet
you (pl.) were allowed
ihr habt gedurft *
you (pl.) were allowed
* In the present perfect or past perfect tense with another verb, the double infinitive construction is used, as in the following examples:

ihr habt sprechen dürfen = you (pl.) were allowed to speak
ich hatte sprechen dürfen = I had been allowed to speak

KÖNNEN - be able, can

ich kann
I can, am able
ich konnte
I could
ich habe gekonnt *
I could
du kannst
you can
du konntest
you could
du hast gekonnt *
you could
er/sie kann
he/she can
er/sie konnte
he/she could
er/sie hat gekonnt *
he/she could
wir/Sie/sie können
we/you/they can
wir/Sie/sie konnten
we/you/they could
wir/Sie/sie haben gekonnt *
we/you/they could
ihr könnt
you (pl.) can
ihr konntet
you (pl.) could
ihr habt gekonnt *
you (pl.) could
* In the present perfect or past perfect tense with another verb, the double infinitive construction is used, as in the following examples:

wir haben schwimmen können = we were able to swim
ich hatte schwimmen können = I had been able to swim

MÖGEN - like, want, may

ich mag
I like
ich mochte
I liked
ich habe gemocht *
I liked
du magst
you like
du mochtest
you liked
du hast gemocht *
you liked
er/sie mag
he/she likes
er/sie mochte
he/she liked
er/sie hat gemocht *
he/she liked
wir/Sie/sie mögen
we/you/they like
wir/Sie/sie mochten
we/you/they liked
wir/Sie/sie haben gemocht *
we/you/they liked
ihr mögt
you (pl.) like
ihr mochtet
you (pl.) could
ihr habt gemocht *
you (pl.) could
* In the present perfect or past perfect tense with another verb, the double infinitive construction is used, as in the following examples:

wir haben schwimmen mögen = we liked to swim
ich hatte schwimmen mögen = I had liked to swim

mögen is often used in its subjunctive (möchte) "would like" form:
Ich möchte lieber Kaffee (haben). = I would rather have coffee.
Wir möchten ins Kino. = We'd like to go to the movies.

MÜSSEN - have to, must

ich muss
I must, have to
ich musste
I had to
ich habe gemusst *
I had to
du musst
you must, have to
du musstest
you had to
du hast gemusst *
you had to
er/sie muss
he/she must
er/sie musste
he/she had to
er/sie hat gemusst *
he/she had to
wir/Sie/sie müssen
we/you/they have to
wir/Sie/sie mussten
we/you/they had to
wir/Sie/sie haben gemusst *
we/you/they had to
ihr müsst
you (pl.) must
ihr musstet
you (pl.) had to
ihr habt gemusst *
you (pl.) had to
* In the present perfect or past perfect tense with another verb, the double infinitive construction is used, as in the following examples:

ihr habt sprechen müssen = you (pl.) had to speak

ich hatte sprechen müssen = I had had to speak

Note: The old spelling with ß, as in ich muß or gemußt, is no longer used for forms of müssen.

SOLLEN - should, ought to, supposed to

ich soll
I should
ich sollte
I should have
ich habe gesollt *
I should have
du sollst
you should
du solltest
you should have
du hast gesollt *
you should have
er/sie soll
he/she should
er/sie sollte
he/she should have
er/sie hat gesollt *
he/she should have
wir/Sie/sie sollen
we/you/they should
wir/Sie/sie sollten
we/you/they should have
wir/Sie/sie haben gesollt *
we/you/they should have
ihr sollt
you (pl.) should
ihr solltet
you (pl.) should have
ihr habt gesollt *
you (pl.) should have
* In the present perfect or past perfect tense with another verb, the double infinitive construction is used, as in the following examples:

wir haben gehen sollen = we should have gone

ich hatte fahren sollen = I had been supposed to drive

WOLLEN - want to

ich will
I want to
ich wollte
I wanted to
ich habe gewollt *
I wanted to
du willst
you want to
du wolltest
you wanted to
du hast gewollt *
you wanted to
er/sie will
he/she wants to
er/sie wollte
he/she wanted to
er/sie hat gewollt *
he/she wanted to
wir/Sie/sie wollen
we/you/they want to
wir/Sie/sie wollten
we/you/they wanted to
wir/Sie/sie haben gewollt *
we/you/they wanted to
ihr wollt
you (pl.) want to
ihr wolltet
you (pl.) wanted to
ihr habt gewollt *
you (pl.) wanted to
* In the present perfect or past perfect tense with another verb, the double infinitive construction is used, as in the following examples:

wir haben sprechen wollen = we wanted to speak

ich hatte gehen wollen = I had wanted to go



1. dürfen (to be permitted, may)

Present: Darf ich rauchen? May I smoke?
Past/Preterite: Er durfte das nicht. He wasn't permitted to do that.
Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Er hat dort nicht parken dürfen. He was not permitted to park there.
Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Wir hatten das damals machen dürfen. We had been allowed to do that back then.
Future/Futur: Wir werden das machen dürfen. We will be allowed to do that.
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich dürfte... If I were permitted...

NOTE: For all modals with umlauts, the simple past (preterite/Imperfekt) has no umlaut, but the subjunctive form always has an umlaut!

Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
Was darf es sein? May I help you? (store clerk)
Wenn ich bitten darf. If you please.

2. können (to be able, can, know)

Present: Er kann gut fahren. He can drive well.
Past/Preterite: Er konnte sie nicht leiden. He couldn't stand her.
Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Er hat sie nicht leiden können. He couldn't stand her.
Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Er hatte sie nicht leiden können. He had not been able to stand her.
Future/Futur: Er wird sie nicht leiden können. He won't be able to stand her.
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich ihn nur leiden könnte... If I could only stand him...

NOTE: For all modals with umlauts, the simple past (preterite/Imperfekt) has no umlaut, but the subjunctive form always has an umlaut!

Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
Sie könnten sich irren. You could be mistaken.
Das kann man wohl sagen. You can say that again.
Er kann Deutsch. He knows German. ("can German")
Er kann Sie jetzt sprechen. He can see you now. (doctor, dentist)

3. müssen (to have to, must)

Present: Ich muss dort Deutsch sprechen. I have to speak German there.
Past/Preterite: Er musste es nicht tun. He didn't have to do it.
Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Wir haben mit der Bahn fahren müssen. We had to go by train.
Future/Futur: Sie wird morgen abfahren müssen. She will have to depart tomorrow.
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich müsste... If I had to...

NOTE: For all modals with umlauts, the simple past (preterite/Imperfekt) has no umlaut, but the subjunctive form always has an umlaut!

Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
Ich muss nach Hause. I have to go home.
Muss das sein? Is that really necessary?
So müsste es immer sein. That's how it should be all the time.

4. mögen (to like)

Present: Er mag die Suppe. He likes the soup.
Past/Preterite: Er mochte die Stadt nicht. He didn't like the city.
Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Er hat das Essen nicht gemocht. He didn't like the food.
Future/Futur: Er wird das schon mögen. He'll like that.
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Ja, er möchte Wein. Yes, he'd like (some) wine.
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Ich möchte... I would like...

NOTE: For all modals with umlauts, the simple past (preterite/Imperfekt) has no umlaut, but the subjunctive form always has an umlaut!

Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
Das mag wohl sein. That well may be. / That may be so.
Das mag der Himmel verhütten! Heaven forbid!
Er mag/mochte etwa 1,3 Meter groß sein. He must be/must have been about 1.3 meters tall.

5. sollen (to be supposed to, should/ought to)

Present: Er soll reich sein. He's supposed to be rich. / It's said that he's rich.
Past/Preterite: Er sollte gestern ankommen. He was supposed to arrive yesterday.
Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Du hast ihn anrufen sollen. You should have called him.
Future (in sense of): Er soll das morgen haben. He'll have that tomorrow.
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Das hättest du nicht tun sollen. You shouldn't have done that.
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich sollte... If I should...
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Sollte sie anrufen... If she should (happen to) call...

Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
Das Buch soll sehr gut sein. The book is said to be very good.
Du sollst damit sofort aufhören! You're to stop that right now!
Was soll das (heißen)? What's that supposed to mean? What's the idea?
Es soll nicht wieder vorkommen. It won't happen again.

6. wollen (to want to, said to be)

Present: Sie will nicht gehen. She doesn't want to go.
Past/Preterite: Ich wollte das Buch lesen. I wanted to read the book.
Pres. Perfect/Perfekt: Sie haben den Film immer sehen wollen. They have always wanted to see the movie.
Past Perfect/Plusquamperfekt: Wir hatten den Film immer sehen wollen. We had always wanted to see the movie.
Future/Futur: Er wird gehen wollen. He will want to go.
Subjunctive/Konjunktiv: Wenn ich wollte... If I wanted to...

Sample Idiomatic Expressions:
Das will nicht viel sagen. That's of little consequence. That doesn't mean much.
Er will es nicht gesehen haben. He claims not to have seen it.
Das hat er nicht gewollt. That's not what he intended.